Monday, April 7, 2014



Friday, May 21, 2010

About Backlinks and its usefulness

I have just came across an entry in mylot that discusses about banklinks.

It was a topic started by jp1990 and he generously shared things he knows about backlinks. But what is a backlink? Do we really need to do this to generate traffic for our blogsite? Backlink is said to be links coming from other websites to your own websites. If we are able to maximize this strategy, we will also be able to maximize earning potential of our blogs.

This site will inform us everything about backlinking or building links and the legitimate way to backlink. It even discusses the different types of backlinks which you can use for your sites that suits your style. Click on the link below to read more about backlinks:


Honestly, I have no idea what backlinks are. I have been hearing about it in other forums but have no idea how to go about it. After reading posts from the above blog, I've all of sudden see some clarity in link building.

Mister Linker

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tracking code

Site tools

Money making sites and Whatever




These are the primary online activities I am concentrating on to try the potential earnings in the net. I am so encouraged to try these online paying sites that I even started to try blogging when I am not even a writer. I hated writing as a student. It seems that one hour is not enough to finish one sensible write-up about a certain theme.

But here I am, blogging, as if I am experienced at this. I want to try if blogging could earn me a passive income in the internet. But of course, blogging is all pure work and effort. I promised myself to blog everyday about anything under the sun, but I don't have the discipline yet to do so.

Oh give me a break, I am currently employed and most of my weekdays are spent in an office doing numbers for my employer.

With the increasing costs of living, having a two-year old son, my salary and my husband's salary combined, is not enough to give us a comfortable life. We can make both ends meet, but hey, who wants only that?

Of course we want to have our own house and lot, cars and a little business on the side. After searching on the net, reading forums and joining money making online programs, I have just confused myself even more if there is really a site which will make me earn 45K monthly as what other money-making online sites claim.

So far, after being active again in Mylot I have earned and received payment through paypal amounting to $29.00 mostly doing writing tasks that pay $4.00 each approved article. With pixprofit, I have already earned $6.00 typing captcha words. I have cashed $3.00 along with the $29 already through paypal and left the other $3.00 in paypal.

I don't understand how I can earn much with Trekpay since I am only earning like .18C per week. I have calculated, that by the time I earn the minimum payout of $5.50, it will already be December when in fact I started February this year.

I have given myself like three months to self-study online money making opportunities. Actually only with clickbank and blogging. If after three months, I still have zero earnings, I guess I will have to look for a mentor even if I have to pay much, just to learn the ins and outs of online money making.

Increase blog traffic

Mister Linker

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I have finally registered with Payperpost, hoping I could get some tasks and earn a few bucks. Anyway, the site ask me to post this anywhere in my new post, just to make sure that I own this blog. Well, I do own this site and here is my proof:

Why won't the counter viewpoint push my apparent sketch?

See, I've copied and pasted it. Good luck to me. Hope this will be the start of me earning online.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Philippine's first automated election---I'm proud to be COUNTED!

Oh yes! I am proud to be counted! I am now one of the filipino voters to have experienced the first ever automated national and local election and I am now part of the Philippine history.

I woke up at 6:30 am hoping we could be one of the first people inside the precint to witness the opening of the ballots and pcos machine. Unfortunately, still had to do household chores and tend to my toddler's needs for my nanny took the day off to vote.

We arrived at the school 8:00 am. Outside the school, a tarpaulin where your precint number and its assigned cluster is printed is posted on the wall near the gate. I got my cluster number but upon checking on the master list of that cluster number, our names are not to be found. I thought voting is just going to be breeze. Oh well!

I was advised to go to the comelec volunteers and ask them to look on the computer to what cluster my precint was assigned. In short, clustering the precints seemed to be unorganized for that matter. On the positive note, our names were found (which I thought in the first place, wouldn't be found)and off we went to the cluster/classroom. Take note that in one cluster/classroom, about 5 to 8 precints were assigned there, so imagine the bulk of voters falling in line in one particular cluster.

After about 1 1/2 hours of falling in line (which was kinda unsystematic at first but eventually they got the groove), it was now our turn. Now how was it?

1. The BEI (Board of Election Insptector) asked for my precint number.

2.After telling him my precint no. she got a list of names under that precint and asked for my name.

3. After seeing my name on the list, she asked me to sign beside my name and put my right thumb mark.

4. After the thumb mark, she asked her assistant to look among the comelec registrations filed in a folder if I am registered. (Now here, i don't see any logic of looking among the file of regisrations if she already saw my name on the master list and I have already placed my signature and thumb mark on it. Wouldn't it be more logical if the assistant looked first among the regisration papers before I am being asked to place my signature and thumb mark? What if my regisration paper is nowhere to be found and I have already placed my thumb mark and my signature beside my name? Whatever!)

5. The BEI now verifies her assistant if my registration paper is there and then gave me my ballot. My FIRST BALLOT ever since I turned 18.

6. And so off I went to my desk to cast my first votes ever. Of course with a little mischief from my two-year old son,( I had to bring him because no one's going to look over him)I carefully shaded the oval thing, while my son was singing "may bilog, may bilog". I was really extra careful and had to stop every now and then because my son was eyeing my ballot and my pen while singing that "song".

7. After shading, I proceeded to the pcos machine and feed my ballot. Ooops! It didn't feed. It says " the machine does not take multiple sheets" something to that effect. Well I guess I fed my ballot on the wrong side of the sheet, because the volunteer turned it over and Presto! it fed.

8. The small screen said "ballot scanned" then "verifying ballot"... and I was praying that it will not be an invalid ballot. And then it says..."congratulations you're vote is already counted". Yipee! And now I can say I am a true-blue Filipino exercising my privilege.

I am so happy to have experienced my first election ever and it was an automated one. I am proud even more because I voted and knew that my one vote means my voice, even if it just a tiny voice, was heard and would make a difference in our history.

Let us just pray that after the voting, counting the votes will more peaceful and violence-free.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Next fight...Mayweather vs. Pacquiao

Well, well, well. So it seems now that Manny Pacquiao's next fight will be with Mayweather. While Manny was busy campaigning yesterday, Mayweather was all out in conquering victory against Mosley.

If Philippine's national election would turn sweet for Pacquiao, would he have time to prepare for this big fight? Mayweather seemed to be serious in facing Pacquiao, if and only if, Pacquiao will agree to undergo a "blood-blah-blah testing."

For boxing fans, this will be the most-anticipated fight, if ever Pacquiao will agree. Imagine, legend vs. legend. Both of them are multi-title holder. Whew!

I myself is boxing fan. If that day comes I will not hesitate to buy tickets just to watch it live from a resto bar.